Les vitrines de Cancale

E.U.R.L. Genevée


frencheese 2019

    E.U.R.L. Genevée

    14 + 11 =

The firm Genevée has moved to the new trading estate of La Bretonnière, into bigger premises to provide a better welcome to the public and improved working and storage facilities for the staff.

EURL Genevée undertakes plumbing work (renovation and new) and bathroom design, all within a radius of 15km of Cancale.

The business is registered under R.G.E., Qualibat, P.G., Qualibois, Qualisol and Qualipac.

Genevée installs Bosch and Frisquet gas boilers, Nibe and Atlantic heat pumps and Ökofen pellet stoves.

New for 2021 : they will maintain and repair heat pumps. For white goods they offer a wide range of products which they will install. (free delivery)

  • 02 99 89 61 29
  • 2, rue des métiers - ZA de la Bretonnière
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