Les vitrines de Cancale

Véronique Poncept photography

    Véronique Poncept photography

    4 + 3 =

A picture is worth a thousand words…

Arriving in Brittany with her family a few years ago, in love with the region, Veronique Poncept has focussed her camera on Cancale.

She has turned her love of photography into her job.

Her qualities : technical excellence and a strong artistic flair. Her assets : discretion, availability, creativity and an ability to listen. She always knows how to capture a tear or a peal of laughter, good light or a frown. Her photographs, which you can find on her website, portray the emotion of the moment.

Veronique is the official photographer of Vitrines de Cancale and the PR company frencheese.

Don't hesitate to contact her, she will know how to discretely record all types of events to suit you at an affordable price.

  • Sur rendez-vous
  • 06 87 01 27 27
  • Cancale
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Actualités du moment
Exposition à la bibliothèque municipale de Cancale

Jeudi 6 août, la bibliothèque municipale de Cancale nous fait l’amitié de nous accueillir, Anne Chambrin et moi, pour une dédicace de notre livre « Cancale ». Ce sera également l’occasion pour moi d’exposer certaines de mes photos. Rendez-vous à 16h, devant la bibliothèque !