Les vitrines de Cancale


frencheese 2019


    1 + 13 =

The PR company for small and medium sized businesses, independent traders and shopkeepers.

Strong with a solid experience acquired in big business, the frencheese team offers you all of its knowhow of the web, print, graphic design and drone videos.

frencheese, it's about benefitting from a multi media PR company adapted to your needs and your budget.

frencheese, we understand, we create, and we add value.

  • Lundi-Vendredi 8h00-19h000
  • 06 81 29 57 94
  • 6, rue Frère Florent Gendron
Actualités du moment
Site Jean d'Cancale

Nous remercions Jean d’Cancale de nous avoir accordé sa confiance pour créer son nouveau site Internet ! Le site est disponible. Très rapidement, le site s’enrichira d’un espace boutique dans lequel vous pourrez commander vos huîtres en ligne. https://www.jean-d-cancale.com