Les vitrines de Cancale

PF Edmont Cancale


frencheese 2019

    PF Edmont Cancale

    9 + 2 =

Le Choix Funéraire - PF Edmont Cancale

When faced with the loss of a loved one we need to be treated with humanity, tact, discretion and professionalism.

Christelle and Sébastien have these human qualities and turned to the profession of undertaking 10 years ago.

A family business, they chose to affiliate to Choix Funéraire, a network of independents.

They deal with the complete funeral, from the purchase of a local plot, up to the declaration of death to the state authorities. They form the link between the family and the ancillary services during the burial.

Christelle and Sébastien offer a range of complementary services, the installation, maintenance and restoration of tombstones, the sale of funerary articles (plaques, flowers) but can also provide a funeral plan if you wish to organise your own funeral to relieve your family of the financial burden.

Be assured that they will offer a personalised service which fits the wishes of the deceased and the family.

  • 02 99 88 76 35
  • 1, place Jean Bart
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