Les vitrines de Cancale

Le Celtic



Through their warmth and enthusiasm Celine and Steeve have charmed their regular customers, delighted to enjoy the many services offered by the couple.

At Le Celtic you can enjoy a drink, in the bar or on the terrace, buy a lottery ticket, get your scratch cards, the local paper, or your favourite tobacco.

You can buy postage stamps, stamps to pay fines, and pay local taxes up to a limit of 300 Euros.

Keen vapers will find a large choice of e-liquids.

Le Celtic also sells bread from the Clouard bakery.

  • Du Lun au Ven 7h-20h et Sam 8h-20h
    fermé le dimanche
  • 02 99 89 64 91
  • 28, Boulevard d'Armor
Actualités du moment


L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, consommez avec modération - Fumer nuit gravement à votre santé et à celle de votre entourage