Les vitrines de Cancale

Brasserie de la Pointe du Grouin

    Brasserie de la Pointe du Grouin

    9 + 11 =

In the exceptional setting of the Pointe du Grouin you will find the eponymous brasserie with its panoramic view over the bay.

Bask on the terrace and admire Mont St Michel, the Herpin lighthouse, the Isles des Landes and the ballet of passing boats.

In the restaurant bar Deborah and Nicolas offer tasty excellent meals of the best produce available that day.

Taste the fish, mussels, oysters, and seafood platters… their customers, locals and visitors, are unanimous : the dishes are generous and the team is friendly and attentive.

The brasserie offers free parking.

Great cooking and top service, who could ask for more ?

  • 02 99 89 68 95
  • La Pointe du Grouin
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Excessive drinking can damage your health. Smoking kills !