Les vitrines de Cancale

Epices Roellinger


    Epices Roellinger

    11 + 11 =

Spices, the story of Saint Malo, and the Roellingers are closely intertwined. This family of chefs has made in the Maison du Voyageur a place for research, inspiration and the creation of mixes of herbs, spices and seaweeds.

The raw spices, carefully selected and coming from all corners of the earth are brought to this 18th century Malouinière, where they are prepared by hand.

In the laboratory kitchen the mixes of spices are weighed, roasted, dried, crushed and milled, then packed on the premises.

A passionate team will advise you in seasoning and making your dishes sing with the natural tastes and smells of Mother Earth.

  • Lun au Sam 10h00-12h30 et 14h00-19h00
    Dim 10h00-13h00
  • 02 23 15 13 91
  • 1, rue Duguesclin
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