Les vitrines de Cancale

Centre Nautique de Cancale



    Centre Nautique de Cancale

    6 + 13 =

Watersports for everyone !

Facing Mont St. Michel the Centre Nautique de Cancale, a club presided over by Hervé, is on the beach of Port Mer, near to the pointe du Grouin. It is open all year.

Ships boy or weathered sailor, sea legs or seasick, the centre will meet your needs. Individual lessons, training in groups, equipment hire are all available.

The ideal position of the centre on the waters of Port-Mer means that it can safely welcome everyone, even beginners. Another advantage is that free parking is available next to the centre.

Here there is a family atmosphere and everyone receives personal attention. Led by Kevin, Thomas and their staff of professional trainers all passionate and each with a national qualification, you will discover the pleasures of the sea in complete safety starting from four years old.

Their watchword ? Pleasure and safety above all !

  • 02 99 89 90 22
  • Port Mer
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