Les vitrines de Cancale

Carnaval de Cancale


Are you a climber ?

Carnaval de Cancale

    Carnaval de Cancale

    5 + 12 =

For 100 years the carnival of Cancale has taken place every other year for those who love dressing up in a party atmosphere.

The carnival participants process from the town centre down to the port to the cheers of the spectators who grow more numerous every year. The carnival floats invade the town to the sound of bands and drums delighting the crowd.

The climax of the weekend is the burning of Pillotou. Are you curious to know why ? Make a date for May 2020 !

The theme will be "The carnival of Cancale sets off to conquer space".

You feel the spirit of Hans Solo, of Groot or of Buzz Lightyear ? Come and join in the carnival, to boldly go where no man has gone before !

  • 6, allée des Fleurs des Champs
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